In my book "Mathematics on the Hop. A Program of Game Activities in Mathematics for Children Aged 4-6" (Moscow: MCNMO, 2020), you will find a detailed description of our activities, a collection of ideas and games for working with a... group of children, a theoretical justification of my methodology, as well as thematic lesson plans and detailed descriptions of games that we conditionally divided into groups - for 4 years, and for 5 and 6 years. This book contains variants of handout materials that can be used in lessons with groups of preschoolers based on my methodology. Each task is given in 4 different versions - for the convenience of teachers. We have devised many unusual tasks for your children that will help them see mathematics in various situations. It is important for children to see that they can also come up with problems - and draw them for their parents or friends.
Author: Евгения Кац
Printhouse: MTsNMO
Series: Мышематика от Жени Кац
Age restrictions: 4+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785443943497
Number of pages: 64
Size: 260x200x20 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 158 g
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