Halo is an iconic space opera and an important media franchise focused on the fate of the super soldier Master Chief and humanity's struggle against the alien Covenant and ancient threats such as the Flood and the Forerunners. The book... takes readers back to the origins of the series, exploring the original trilogy of shooters by Bungie, which gained popularity due to its innovative gameplay and multiplayer mode. Author Loïc Ralle, who has gathered extensive information about the franchise, reveals the history of Bungie, the challenges of developing Halo, and the franchise's transition to another studio. Readers will be able to see the complete picture of the creation of the first three parts of Halo, including behind-the-scenes processes and gameplay analysis.
Author: Лоик Рале
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Легендарные компьютерные игры
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041847821
Number of pages: 560
Size: 218x146x29 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 665 g
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