Despite the ongoing battles with other players in the "Deadly Migration," Megumi and Yuji manage to find the Angel. The spellcaster agrees to lift the seal from the Gate of Conclusion, but in return asks for a favor — to...
help her kill one of the reborn wizards known as the Fallen. Who would have thought that the Fallen would turn out to be Sukuna!
Meanwhile, Kendyaku invades the Temple of the Extinguished Star to seize the true body of Master Tengen and carry out his devious plan. If Yuki Tsukumo and Tieso cannot stop the cursed mage, the world as the heroes once knew it will come to an end…
Author: Гэгэ Акутами
Printhouse: Azbuka
Series: Имена. Зарубежная проза
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785389267312
Number of pages: 384
Size: 195х128х25 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 446 g
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