"Two Captains" is the most famous and beloved novel by Benjamin Kaverin. The fate of its main character Sanya Grigoryev, according to the author, "is full of work, inspiration, and love for his Motherland and his cause." It encompasses a... difficult, homeless childhood, a journey to the North Pole in search of a mysteriously vanished expedition, and, of course, love. The novel has been translated into many languages of the world, was adapted into films twice, and a monument was erected to its heroes in the author's hometown, Pskov.
Author: Вениамин Каверин
Printhouse: Azbuka
Series: Азбука Premium. Русская проза
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785389270411
Number of pages: 736
Size: 205х132х34 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 640 g
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