"The Key to Paradise" is an adaptation of a story from the "Guardian" series by the writer-fantast Alexey Pehov. Ludwig van Normayenn receives a commission from the Brotherhood of Guardians — he must find the cartographer Hartwig Nitz and bring... him to the citadel of the Guardians in Ardenau. Soon, Ludwig realizes that around the persona of a simple cartographer, the interests of too many warring factions have intertwined. And it is no wonder, as the young Hartwig has unexpectedly discovered an astonishing gift that could change the familiar world.
Author: Алексей Пехов, Илья Воронин, Григорий Старостин
Printhouse: ALPAKA
Series: Cтраж
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785002420193
Number of pages: 80
Size: 305х215х7 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 570 g
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