“Zoollywood: Polar Adventure” is an abstract strategy game for 2 or 4 players with a cute theme and design. Simple and elegant in rules, but at times harsh and very tactical in gameplay. Improvisation cards add unpredictability, while scene cards... add variability. For those who prefer duel confrontations. The inhabitants of the Kingdom of Beasts love watching movies. Soon, Zoollywood, the largest film company in this country, will start filming another blockbuster with the intriguing title “Polar Adventure.” All that remains is to find a talented penguin to play the lead role. The final auditions will determine which of the two movie stars of the Kingdom will be cast!The audition will take place on a huge ice floe. There are 5 scenarios in the game, each with unique obstacles and areas featuring special effects. Once you become familiar with the game, you will be able to create scenes using all available components.The gameplay is divided into three phases: Placement. Place an egg in an empty spot on the game board. You may play an improvisation card before and after this.Appearance. Replace the egg with your penguin from the reserve. After this, draw 2 improvisation cards and take one of them.Movement. Move the penguin in any direction until it stops next to another of your penguins, an egg of your color, or an obstacle.The player who places all 16 of their eggs on the board wins, or the player who cannot make a move is considered the loser. Components: - Star actor penguin (one of each color);- Extra penguin (three of each color);- 32 eggs (16 of each color);- 8 cardboard obstacles;- 5 obstacle stands;- 5 magnetic tokens;- 1 magnetic field;- 30 improvisation cards;- 2 reference cards;- 5 scene cards;Game rules in Russian.Size of game cards: 63.5 by 88 mm - 37 cards; Game duration: from 30 minutesNumber of players: from 2 to 4
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