"Solomon. His Life and Time" is a monumental work by Doctor of Theology, a member of the Royal Society, a member of the Trinity College in Cambridge, archdeacon and canon of Westminster, and chaplain to Queen Victoria Frederick William Farrar...
(1831-1903) that tells the life of King Solomon, whose name became a legend even during his lifetime.
Drawing on biblical and historical sources, the author depicts vast scenes of the life of Jewish society in the 10th century B.C., narrating not only the birth and life of Solomon - son of David, but also describing the customs, manners, and habits of his subjects, trade, as well as the internal and external politics of the Israelite kingdom. In addition, the book provides detailed and extremely interesting information about the royal court, the Temple and the worship within it, and the large-scale construction that took place during Solomon's reign.
The publication is intended for a wide readership interested in biblical history, as well as the history of the Middle East and the Ancient World.
Author: Фредерик Вильям Фаррар
Printhouse: AMRITA
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785002280926
Number of pages: 260
Size: 200х140х12 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 230 g
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