"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" is one of the famous magical stories written by the great romantic of German literature, Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. This mysterious fairy tale has long become a classic of children's reading for all time.... The book enchants young readers, as real miracles occur within it: dolls and toy soldiers in the nursery come alive and help Marie and Fritz protect the Nutcracker and defeat the army of the Mouse King. Many artists have illustrated this Christmas fairy tale. Nika Georgievna Golts, a recognized classic of book illustration, a honored artist of Russia, and a holder of the Honorary Diploma of the International Hans Christian Andersen Award, saw Hoffmann's characters in her own way. Her drawings – airy, light, and even magical – help readers immerse themselves in Hoffmann's world and feel the uniqueness of his fairy tale. This book would make a wonderful gift under the tree for any child, boy or girl, for New Year or Christmas. Delight your children! Give them a sea of impressions and magic!
Author: Эрнст Теодор Амадей Гофман
Printhouse: Makhaon
Series: Сказки для малышей
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785389263574
Number of pages: 64
Size: 260x200x10 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 371 g
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