Even with a high income, you can live paycheck to paycheck and fall into debt. It is not because you have not developed a millionaire mindset or that you come from a poor background. The problem is not about the... money at all. In this book, Marina Goguyeva, a psychologist with 17 years of experience and a mentor for leaders, explains with live examples and real cases why we love to waste money, fall into debt, and believe in pseudoscientific theories. She also offers a series of practical exercises that will help you address psychological issues related to finances. Thanks to this book: - you will understand how the mechanism of spending your last savings on nonsense works; - you will learn why you cannot build a financial cushion; - you will learn to optimize your expenses; - you will understand how a person thinks who at the end of the month writes 'borrow until payday'; - you will stop quarreling with your loved ones over finances.
Author: Марина Гогуева
Printhouse: EKSMO
Series: Хиты саморазвития
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041987343
Number of pages: 224
Size: 216x160x18 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 435 g
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