The charming tale by Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin "The Traveling Frog" was written over a century ago and was probably not conceived by the author as a popular manual for young naturalists.
And yet the heroes of the tale are animals that...
Garshin vividly depicted with all their habits, characters, and the peculiarities of their difficult animal lives.
It turned out that Vsevolod Mikhailovich's tale is interesting not only as a story about the adventures of an unfortunate frog but also allows one to learn much about the creatures mentioned in it, especially if one is not afraid to ask questions like "who?", "what?", and "why?"... So let's try to read it this way.
To ensure that the answers to the questions do not distract from the tale itself and the beautiful illustrations created by Igor Shaimardanov, we used the format of "a book within a book," which organically combines the fairy tale and scientific texts.
Comments on the tale were prepared by Candidate of Biological Sciences Georgy Mikhailovich Vinogradov.
For a wide audience of readers.
Author: Всеволод Гаршин
Printhouse: Prospekt
Series: Книга книг
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785392361441
Number of pages: 24
Size: 260x213x3 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 90 g
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