It is no secret that beautiful, correct, and literate speech possesses strong energy and is always an integral part of success. Thanks to strong breathing, body freedom, smooth melody, clear diction, and correct stress in words, people have achieved what...
they desired. This happens because they learned to control their speech. In some cultures, this skill is taught from a young age. Certain professions, such as politicians, businessmen, sales managers, and advertisers, are even specifically trained to construct phrases in a certain way to achieve the desired result.
Unfortunately, there is often not enough time to practice correct speech, and the profession requires it. For example, a conference is approaching, a presentation is imminent, or someone is about to go on stage, but they don't have time to warm up. It is necessary to make an impression, persuade, and speak so that everyone can hear, but no one wants to go around with a hoarse throat or even lose their voice. What to do?
This book contains techniques and exercises that will help quickly relax or activate the facial muscles, warm up the body, adjust the voice, and improve diction before a public performance. The book is intended for people who are already familiar with proper breathing and sound.
Author: Александра Харланова
Printhouse: Prospekt
Series: Несерийное издание
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785998815713
Number of pages: 40
Size: 205x140x2 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 40 g
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