MINI DICTATIONS - a new type of educational resource. It is aimed at teachers and parents of elementary school students. "MINI DICTATIONS" are structured in such a way that they allow for a quick review of forgotten topics, as we... tried to include as many words on the reviewed material in one sentence as possible. There are two sections in "MINI DICTATIONS": one sentence and two sentences. In the right column, used sentences can be marked immediately, so they won't be repeated later, or the number of times the material has been used can be noted. Each page contains a spelling five-minute exercise, which can also be used as training or control material. The vocabulary dictation at the bottom includes words and phrases that can be used in their entirety or selected at your discretion. Difficult-to-spell words included in the sentences should be dictated syllable by syllable.
Author: Любовь Тарасова
Printhouse: 5 za znaniia
Series: Авторские методики
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9785989236671
Number of pages: ㌲
Size: 290x210x2 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 88 g
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