Add and subtract numbers within 100 (color side of the cards). Choose a card with a numerical expression. Ask the child to guess how each of the numbers is represented in the picture. Find the value of the numerical expression... using number model schemes. The child can check the correctness of the answer by finding the second half of the card. Consider the mathematical notation at the top of the cards, and encourage the child to build a mathematical reasoning based on this notation. It is recommended to master counting within 100 in stages: 1. Addition and subtraction of round numbers. 2. Addition and subtraction without crossing the ten. 3. Completing a number to a round number. 4. Addition and subtraction of two-digit and one-digit numbers crossing the ten. . . We learn to read, write, and compare numbers (black-and-white side of the cards). Take a card with a number and 5–6 cards with number model schemes. Ask the child to match the scheme model to the number. Strips on the cards will help verify the correctness of the answer. You can also play in reverse, matching a number to the scheme model. For reinforcement of the educational material, four test cards are suggested. Brief theory in schemes and tables will help successfully complete the tasks. Games with cards will help the child learn to count quickly and accurately within 100, get acquainted with the denominations and classes of numbers, and memorize the basic arithmetic rules.
Author: Елена Куликова
Printhouse: Airis-press
Age restrictions: 7+
Year of publication: 2012
ISBN: 4627176367797
Size: 170х85х20 mm
Weight: 140 g
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