A new series for teenage girls! Fun, warm, and sincere books that teach not to give up in the face of difficulties!
Emma Woods loves helping others. Friendship, love, beauty, relationships with teachers and parents… Emma is a true expert; she...
can solve any problem! At least, the girl is confident about it. One day, she decides to start a blog to give advice to her peers. She calls it “Ask Emma!” and asks her computer science teacher to post the blog on the school website. Now every student at Jane Austen Middle School can ask her anything… And letters start coming in! Just not the ones she was waiting for. Emma is asked how to skip class, to cancel a test, or to make PE end faster. Worse yet, someone, hiding behind anonymity on the Internet, posts offensive comments. It seems that despite her good intentions, the blog only brings Emma trouble! Will the girl be able to solve her own problem and write about what truly matters to her, in a way that resonates with her readers? Or will the “Ask Emma!” project end before it even begins?
For readers aged 12 and up. This is the first part of a trilogy, and there will be a continuation featuring the same characters.
Author: Шерил Берк, Кэрри Берк
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Дневник Эммы Вудз. Повести для девочек
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041956851
Number of pages: 224
Size: 208x134x22 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 269 g
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