David Livermore, president of the Cultural Intelligence Center in the USA, offers his own model for developing CQ that will prevent cultural barriers from standing between your team and success.
The main indicator of future success in today’s borderless world is...
not the level of IQ, not professional skills, and not even experience, but cultural intelligence (CQ) that allows a person to communicate and work successfully in a culturally diverse situation. If you want to grow a business and effectively manage a team in a modern multicultural environment, you cannot do without developed cultural intelligence. High CQ allows you to establish contacts all over the world and collaborate with a wide variety of people.
David Livermore, president of the Cultural Intelligence Center in the USA, relies on the results of scientific research and offers his own applied model for developing CQ in four stages. The author does not burden readers with information about the specific features of nations or ethnic groups that cannot fit into any book but teaches to think globally and adapt to different cultural contexts, including that of individual organizations.
Foreword by Professor Sun Ang from Nanyang Technological University, who developed the concept of cultural intelligence.
Who the book is for:
For executives and business owners who have entered or plan to enter global markets.
For leaders working in a multicultural environment.
For anyone who strives to develop their CQ.
Author: Дэвид Ливермор
Printhouse: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785001959977
Number of pages: 352
Size: 214х148х20 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 440 g
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