With the novel "War and Peace," L. N. Tolstoy created a grand literary tapestry of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. A detailed chronicle of the lives of several noble families, large-scale battle scenes, an accurate portrait of...
society with its ideology, philosophy, and aspects of everyday life—researchers recognize the author's "highest artistic objectivity" in all the elements of the novel. The writer explored the Russian character through several hundred characters. Some of them are historical figures, while others are based on prototypes, including members of Tolstoy's own family. The writer used an incredible amount of historical sources, archival materials, family traditions, and memoirs, which together formed an entire library.
This edition brings back to the reader the classic illustrations by Dementy Alexeyevich Shmarinov, which are part of the golden fund of domestic book graphics. Incredibly vivid and seemingly done from life, they are in amazing harmony with the text of one of the central works of world literature.
Author: Лев Толстой
Printhouse: RECh'
Series: Иллюстрированная классика «Речи»
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785926843795
Number of pages: 1568
Size: 168х115х35 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 2500 g
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