This edition contains information about the history of Chinese writing, its features, and practical usage.
In the book, the reader gradually gets acquainted with the overall structure of what is commonly referred to as "Chinese literacy," that is, with the logographic...
writing system, which is the oldest among the currently used ideographic writing systems on the planet. How Chinese writing has developed, what a character represents, what a character can be, and what is the uniqueness of the Chinese perception of text - this popular guide answers these and other questions. One of the sections of the book is a brief introduction to Chinese calligraphy - the art of beautiful, artistic writing of characters. This section contains recommendations for those wishing to independently create a calligraphic sample and handwriting practice for classes.
Author: Марина Шафир
Printhouse: Karo
Series: Учебные пособия
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2017
ISBN: 9785992511932
Number of pages: 112
Size: 287x204x7 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 288 g
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