This book offers teachers and parents a series of exercise complexes and tasks based on 17 lexical topics, aimed at developing articulation motor skills, fine finger movements, breathing, voice, and the emotional sphere of the child. In addition to developing... the mobility of the facial-articulatory muscles and establishing clear articulatory positions of the lips and tongue, the proposed exercise complexes will improve the coordination of finger movements, develop correct speech breathing, enhance the intonational expressiveness of the voice, and refine the plasticity of movements and ways of expressing feelings and emotions. The complexes are built on familiar lexical topics for children, enriched with playful images. The engaging format for presenting material is most aligned with the psychological capabilities of preschool-aged children.
Author: Елена Пожиленко
Printhouse: Karo
Series: Популярная логопедия
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2009
ISBN: 9785992503050
Number of pages: 92
Size: 210x160x6 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 140 g
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