A large part of the jokes included in this book has been "tested" on audiences. Arkady Hayt told them during his creative evenings in Russia, America, Australia, and Germany. Alexander Levenbuk - during concert performances of the "Shalom" theater in...
cities of Russia and abroad. Yuri Grigoriev - in his program "Ah, the Joke, the Joke!.." at the Concert Hall "Russia" and the show "Visiting Laughter" on "Yumor FM" radio.
This means that the responsibility for these jokes is shared with them by tens of thousands of audience members of different nationalities. That is why the authors dared to name this book "Jewish Jokes Forever".
Author: Александр Левенбук, Аркадий Хайт, Юрий Григорьев
Printhouse: Zebra-E
Series: Юмор и Сатира
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785907715363
Number of pages: 352
Size: 165x115x15 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 160 g
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