The novel "Gobseck," which is part of the epic "Human Comedy," is one of the most famous works of Honoré de Balzac. The calculating and incredibly stingy usurer Gobseck is ruthless to his clients - fashionable ladies and aristocrats, actors...
and wastrels. The passions that drive these people to extremes leave him indifferent. However, the "man of the bond" Gobseck, despite all his rationality, faces his individual passion - the passion for profit - on his deathbed; he dies leaving no will behind, in a house full of rotting delicacies, money, and jewels.
The book contains the complete unadapted text of the novel with comments and a dictionary.
The novel is in French.
Author: Оноре де Бальзак
Printhouse: Karo
Series: Litterature classique
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2016
ISBN: 9785992511222
Number of pages: 128
Size: 165x117x5 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 62 g
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