The informative, brightly illustrated series "Encyclopedia of the Russian Schoolboy" introduces readers to interesting information from various fields of knowledge. On the pages of the book, you will find 250 incredible facts about the structure of the human body! You... will learn the size of the heart, how many nerves are in the body, what is common between humans and whales, how many breath movements we make throughout our lives, which cells are the size of a grain of sand, and which are larger than a meter, along with many other amazing pieces of information. The informative, brightly illustrated series "Encyclopedia of the Russian Schoolboy" introduces readers to interesting information from various fields of knowledge. On the pages of the book, you will find 250 incredible facts about the structure of the human body! You will learn the size of the heart, how many nerves are in the body, what is common between humans and whales, how many breath movements we make throughout our lives, which cells are the size of a grain of sand, and which are larger than a meter, along with many other amazing pieces of information.
Printhouse: Rosmen
Series: Энциклопедия российского школьника
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785353110125
Number of pages: 48
Size: 215х165 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 200 g
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