Dictation is one of the main methods of teaching literacy to reinforce skills and test students' knowledge. Dictation quickly and visibly shows the level of material comprehension by students. The text for the dictation is selected taking into account the...
studied orthograms and rules in a given grade.
Composition is a written retelling of a listened-to or read text. Composition is the most effective exercise in developing coherent speech in younger students. Composition teaches the fundamental skills of working with text, activating the child's thinking and creative activity.
The workbook offers texts for writing dictations and compositions, selected considering the age characteristics of younger students: accessible for reading and understanding, with a clear narrative plot and orthograms studied in the 1st grade.
For working with the texts, the workbook presents 5 variants of different assignments. Students are asked to: read and title the text, divide the text into meaningful parts, insert missing words, find synonyms/antonyms, complete sentences, create a plan for the text, retell the text according to the plan, write a text from dictation, and more.
The book can be used in Russian language lessons at school and during home study.
Author: Ольга Узорова, Елена Нефедова
Printhouse: AST
Series: 3000 примеров для начальной школы
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785171331832
Number of pages: ㄶ
Size: 280x210x2 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 56 g
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