The first part of the thrilling and magical series of teenage fantasy "The Ninth Lyceum." An unusual story for those who love magical schools and Russian fairy tales! Imagine that people with the abilities of heroes from fairy tales and... bylinas live among us! One day, sixth grader Kostya succumbed to the blackmail of his friends and began to steal, using his unusual ability to see and attract valuable things. When he was caught, the boy learned that he was a Koshchey, one of the Lukomortsy, people endowed with the abilities of heroes from fairy tales and bylinas. To teach teenagers to control their gift and not use it for evil, a special closed school was created. At the Ninth Lyceum, Kostya has the chance to learn about his parents' fate, and together with his new friends, he sets out to search for the legendary repository of magical artifacts, unaware that dark forces are watching them closely, with their own sinister plans. You will meet the frog princess, Ilya Muromets, the gray wolf, and even the nightingale thief. But not in the way we are used to seeing them. Welcome to the Ninth Lyceum, full of dangerous adventures!
Author: ДЁМИНА А.В.
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Тридевятый лицей
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041892494
Number of pages: 352
Size: 208x136x33 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 360 g
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