The book of memories by Lyubov Evgenyevna Belozerskaya-Bulgakova - a writer and literary figure, the second wife of Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov - is a unique text written in a good literary style with an engaging tone, full of the author's... charm, kind humor, insightful remarks, and warm portraits of close family and friends. It includes three works: "At a Stranger's Doorstep" tells about Lyubov Evgenyevna's forced emigration in Constantinople, Berlin, and Paris; these memories served as a source of inspiration for Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov when writing the play "Running"; "Oh, the Honey of Memories..." - the largest in volume, tender and full of love memories of life with Mikhail Bulgakov (partially published under the title "Pages of Life" in the collection "Memories of Bulgakov" in 1988); "It Was Like This..." - memories of working with the famous Soviet scientist, historian Evgeny Viktorovich Tarle. The book also contains an essay about the life of Lyubov Evgenyevna Belozerskaya-Bulgakova, written by her nephew Igor Vladimirovich Belozersky.
Author: Любовь Белозерская-Булгакова
Printhouse: AST
Series: XX век. Люди и судьбы
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171662745
Number of pages: 288
Size: 217x143x28 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 366 g
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