For toddlers of this age, the outline in the coloring book does not serve as a boundary like it does for older children. They recognize the image, feel joy, and start drawing more based on the picture than within its... confines. This manifests very individually. Some children draw large color spots like painters, others follow the outline like graphic artists, and some put small dots, stripes, or strokes. Painting in coloring books with bright gouache paints, markers, and pencils is incredibly captivating for toddlers. They do not limit themselves to the boundaries of the outline, freely going beyond it. They create their own storyline, begin to play (moving the picture across the table as if a train is running or a bug is crawling), and use sound imitation to express rumbling, buzzing, hissing...
Printhouse: Sfera
Series: Первые раскраски
Age restrictions: 1+
Year of publication: 2016
ISBN: 9785840312100
Number of pages: 8
Size: 278x197x1 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 50 g
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