In the world of the game "Chickens," a unique atmosphere of a poultry yard flourishes, where players compete in the art of breeding, filling their farms with various types of chickens. A magnificent world of birds unfolds before you. In each...
round, you need to strategically place chicken cards, taking care of a harmonious balance of different breeds. Quite simple and easy-to-understand game rules, but endless possibilities for tactical decisions make this board game exciting and unpredictable. The secret to success lies in the ability to gather large flocks of the same breed of chickens. Place them next to each other, creating compact groups that will bring you the maximum number of points in the end. Victory will be achieved by having the largest flock of one breed, the rooster token, and meeting the game's objectives.For successful breeding of rare laying hen species, you will be able to earn medals that will add to your coveted victory points. This opens up additional space for strategic depth, as well as opportunities for various tactical decisions. Create your virtual bird paradise, assemble the perfect yard, and become a true breeding master. "Chickens" is an exciting adventure where every move matters, and victory depends on your ingenuity and strategic thinking. Immerse yourself in this unique world of birds and prove that you are a true breeder! Components:72 chicken cards:12 brown12 blue10 red10 purple8 gray8 yellow6 black6 green4 rooster tokens10 goal cards 4 reminder cardsScorekeeping notebookGame rules Game duration: from 30 minutes
Number of players: from 1 to 4
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