The Prophets are the second section of the Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, following directly after the Torah - the Pentateuch. This edition presents the first part of the section - Early Prophets, which includes the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel (I... and II), and Kings (I and II). The new translation of the Hebrew Bible provides the reader with a Russian version of the Masoretic text, as close to the original as possible and free from biased interpretations. The translation is based on data from modern science and traditional Jewish exegesis, taking into account the experience of previous translations of the Bible into Russian. The edition corrects translational interpretations based only on non-exegesis or outdated scientific concepts, and the texts of the translation meet the modern level of research on the Hebrew Bible. The translation is accompanied by philological notes and historical-real comments necessary for an adequate understanding of the biblical text.
Printhouse: Knizhniki
Series: Библиотека еврейских текстов
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785995307242
Number of pages: 792
Size: 247x180x50 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 1296 g
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