What should a religious Jew believe in? Are there dogmas in Judaism, and if so, how many, who formulated them, and what do they consist of? Why are Jews still waiting for the Messiah? How do they see the future...
of the world and humanity? About this and much more – in the book by Levi Kitrosky.
Levi (Lev) Kitrosky was born in Moscow in 1958, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, and worked as a chemist and programmer. From 1979 to 1987, he was in refusal after applying for an exit permit to Israel. During these years, he became a Jewish activist and a teacher of Judaism. After repatriation to Israel, alongside his work in his specialty, he participated in many educational, publishing, and translation projects of the religious and educational organization "Mahanayim".
Author: Леви Китросский
Printhouse: Knizhniki
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785995309185
Number of pages: 272
Size: 205х120х15 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 330 g
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