Once upon a time in Nazareth there was a odd fellow, and he could think of nothing better than... to raise pigs in the Holy Land. So he turned to the rabbi for a blessing. "Either you are an idiot... yourself, or you consider me one!" — the rabbi barked in his reply. And it began! The pig farmer writes to the rabbi, the son to the pig farmer, the ex-wife to the wayward daughter. Letters fly between Nazareth, New York, Paris, and Tel Aviv. This touching, angry, sarcastic correspondence forms a novel, all the characters — offended, eccentric, but incredibly likable — want one thing: true love.
Author: Аманда Штерс
Printhouse: Knizhniki
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785906999382
Number of pages: 176
Size: 200x125x15 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 198 g
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