In an old lighthouse by the ocean lives a family: a dad, a mom, and two children — Lukhi and Tammika. One day for a birthday, the dad takes the children to an unusual flower shop where exotic plants are...
sold. Instead of flowers, whimsical houses grow on their stems, inhabited by floral beings — maisi. Each maisi has its own character: one brings Christmas cheer to the home, another gives gifts, and the third leaves candies by the house. But which maisi will settle in the house depends on how one takes care of the flower.
Will the children be able to grow a flower house and make friends with their new pet?
This story will show how important it is to care for those close to you and to accept not only their virtues but also their flaws.
Author: Анастасия Пикина
Printhouse: Feniks-Prem'er
Series: Открой книгу
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785222379905
Number of pages: 70
Size: 7x200x260 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 389 g
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