Has your little one started to speak their first phrases? Suggest that the child tell their first story using pictures. In the book, we teach children the ability to retell stories based on thematic pictures and supporting diagrams. The texts...
of the stories have a chain structure, where the end of one sentence becomes the beginning of the next (according to the V. K. Vorobyova method). Such stories are used in speech therapy sessions not only to develop coherent speech but also for initiating speech in general. Therefore, even if your child has not yet started to speak, do not postpone the cards for better times. With the help of the manual, you will be able to work on the prerequisites for forming coherent speech. A little one, who may not even know how to speak in sentences, can engage with this manual by building the sequence of operations, which will greatly benefit speech development.
On the back side of the thematic pictures, you will find various developmental tasks thematically related to the plot of the story.
Author: Виктория Бунина
Printhouse: Feniks
Series: Школа развития
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785222423844
Number of pages: ㌲
Size: 3x200x260 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 160 g
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