The roar of the engine. The freedom of the boundless sky. And the hell of a foreign war. He dreamed of flying since childhood, yearned for the sky, and fate gifted him wings. He became a pilot, but the romance... of the profession dissipated in the smoke of battles. This book is a confession of a man who has looked death in the face, who has passed through fire and pain. Pilot Zhao, by the last name Da, tells about his life, about friendship and betrayal, about love and loss. He recalls his carefree youth, the hard days of military service, the horrors of battles, and the faces of those who remained on the battlefields. "The Adventures of Chinese Pilot Zhao Da" is the first story in a trilogy about human relationships, about the duty of honor, about war, about the importance of not losing oneself in its flame. About the strength of spirit, the value of human life, and that even in the most difficult trials there is always room for hope.
Author: Владимир Джао
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785206003796
Number of pages: 520
Size: 220x140x33 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 722 g
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