Classic Trainer. Russian Language. 4th Grade. Exercises for School and Home
Classic Trainer. Russian Language. 4th Grade. Exercises for School and Home
Classic Trainer. Russian Language. 4th Grade. Exercises for School and Home
Classic Trainer. Russian Language. 4th Grade. Exercises for School and Home
Classic Trainer. Russian Language. 4th Grade. Exercises for School and Home

Classic Trainer. Russian Language. 4th Grade. Exercises for School and Home


The classic trainer is a modern educational tool designed for the comprehensive mastery of the school curriculum in the Russian language by students. Thanks to numerous original exercises and tasks, it allows students to consolidate and improve their acquired knowledge,...

Author: Алла Карпович


Series: Тренажер классический

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9789857263677

Number of pages: 96

Size: 210х170х5 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 170 g

ID: 1681711
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