An exhaustive practical guide to creating the most famous author's textile dolls! In this book, Tatyana Connè - a renowned master who invented the dolls "Snezki", "Bolshenoji", and "Russian doll" with a big round head and dot-like eyes - has... included all her knowledge, skills, and experience gained over many years of working with textile dolls. In the book, you will find full-size patterns, author's recommendations for selecting fabrics for the body and clothing, a list of necessary materials and tools. Clearly and simply written, illustrated with a huge number of step-by-step photographs, it will be your guide to the magical world of author's textile dolls. By following the detailed step-by-step instructions, even a beginner will be able to sew touching babies for themselves, their children, or as a gift for a loved one.
Author: Татьяна Коннэ
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Милые, мягкие, смешные. Текстильные куклы и игрушки
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042002397
Number of pages: 208
Size: 267x206x19 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 907 g
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