This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city
This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city

This is Troy! The story of the discovery of the legendary city


When in 1822 a young Heinrich Schliemann was engrossed in the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" in a village in northeastern Germany, he had no idea that he was destined to forever change the history of archaeology. Having learned several languages, including...

Author: Пиццути Арно

Printhouse: KoLibri

Series: Графический Non Fiction. Люди и события

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785389252240

Number of pages: 120

Size: 245x190x10 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 495 g

ID: 1681287
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