Throughout his life, Leo Tolstoy devoted himself to the search for a moral ideal, trying to outline its features in his novels, notebooks, and philosophical works. In the small autobiographical treatise "Confession," Tolstoy describes his search for the meaning of...
life — from early years to deep old age. Tolstoy reflects on death and the fear of it, on the existential abysses that haunt a person throughout life, on the search for and acquisition of faith. The reading of "Confession" is complemented by the treatise "On Life," which Tolstoy considered one of the main works of his life. "On Life" is an exposition of the starting points of Tolstoy's philosophy and worldview from the perspective of the years lived.
The reflections of Leo Tolstoy on eternal questions, problems, and challenges faced by modern man make for incredibly sobering reading, resonating deeply in the hearts of readers of all generations.
Author: Лев Толстой
Printhouse: Ripol-klassik
Series: Librarium
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785386140588
Number of pages: 346
Size: 180х120х20 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 259 g
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