The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step
The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step

The Big Book of Dinosaurs. 300 Drawings Step by Step


Do you dream of drawing a tyrannosaurus or a velociraptor? This book will teach you: it will show you how to draw these amazing animals step by step. But not just them! From diplodocus to iguanodon, from archaeopteryx to megalosaurus,...

Author: Лиз Эрцог

Printhouse: Eksmo

Series: Уроки рисования для детей и подростков

Age restrictions: 6+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785041960780

Number of pages: 304

Size: 210x162x18 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 407 g

ID: 1681217
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