Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview
Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview

Hypermedia Development. htmx and Hyperview


Experienced programmers who grew up alongside the World Wide Web did not pay much attention to the ideas of hypermedia. Meanwhile, young web developers know nothing but single-page applications and the frameworks used to create them."Obsolete" technology, suitable only for...

Author: Денис Акшимшек, Карсон Гросс, Адам Степински

Printhouse: piter

Series: Библиотека программиста

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446140961

Number of pages: 368

Size: 235х165х20 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 574 g

ID: 1680762
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