Corporate Notes. 40 Business Practices, Descriptions of Principles, Technologies for Building and Managing Global Corporations
Corporate Notes. 40 Business Practices, Descriptions of Principles, Technologies for Building and Managing Global Corporations
Corporate Notes. 40 Business Practices, Descriptions of Principles, Technologies for Building and Managing Global Corporations
Corporate Notes. 40 Business Practices, Descriptions of Principles, Technologies for Building and Managing Global Corporations
Corporate Notes. 40 Business Practices, Descriptions of Principles, Technologies for Building and Managing Global Corporations

Corporate Notes. 40 Business Practices, Descriptions of Principles, Technologies for Building and Managing Global Corporations


This book is an attempt by the author to systematically describe the process of creating the infrastructure of any large business from scratch, as well as to demonstrate the principles of managing the growth process and timely transformations, the differences...

Author: Роман Иванов

Printhouse: piter

Series: Бизнес-психология

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446121915

Number of pages: 304

Size: 237х170х18 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 610 g

ID: 1680740
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