In a world where humanity has settled throughout the galaxy, a lone wanderer named Albert travels between the stars, searching for traces of vanished civilizations, sipping tea on the planet of illusions, and saving lives. Albert's profession is a stargazer,... serial number 256. This means that he arrives on planets threatened by destruction and seeks ways to prevent catastrophe. However, the inhabitants of these planets perceive the appearance of a stargazer as a bad omen and put sticks in his wheels, not knowing that this "cosmic hussar" is doing everything possible to help them. The start of a new cosmic cycle by the renowned artist Daria Konopatova. Under one cover, several adventures of the stargazer Albert are gathered, which will appeal to fans of European comics, optimistic science fiction, and viewers of series such as "Doctor Who" and "Star Trek."
Author: Дарья Конопатова
Printhouse: AST
Series: Мейнстрим. Наши комиксы
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171643072
Number of pages: 80
Size: 265x190x9 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 395 g
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