One of the best books about fate and inevitable doom, fate. A song of sorrow and tragedy. Sprays of saltwater on the face, the creaking of masts, and gusts of icy wind invade reality from the pages of the novel.... The Pequod still sails across the ocean of human sorrows with its crew of outcasts, bastards, and cannibals, searching for the most terrible monster that inhabits the universe. Fear is his name. To kill it within themselves. There is no better fate, greater valor, and greater honor. The courage before which the heroes of Homer fade. A song about the suffering of the human soul, penetrating to the bone, sending shivers down the spine.
Author: Герман Мелвилл
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Библиотека всемирной литературы
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2017
ISBN: 9785699984442
Number of pages: 640
Size: 208x135x33 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 585 g
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