Babaji — the mystery of divine potential. Bija mantras — the ancient science...
Babaji — the mystery of divine potential. Bija mantras — the ancient science...
Babaji — the mystery of divine potential. Bija mantras — the ancient science...

Babaji — the mystery of divine potential. Bija mantras — the ancient science...


Bija Mantras are the ancient technique of Himalayan Yoga. The book collects Bija Mantras, passed down for millennia from generation to generation, explaining their philosophical significance and methods of practice. The book also discusses the topic of conscious reincarnation. The...

Author: Святослав Дубянский

Printhouse: Amrita

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2016

ISBN: 9785000535516

Number of pages: 256

Size: 200х123х12 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 200 g

ID: 1679822
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