Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up
Trying to Wake Up

Trying to Wake Up


"Trying to Wake Up" is the first result in the history of Russian literature from the collaboration between a human and a machine. The human is Pavel Pepperstein, a writer, artist, and visionary. The machine is NeuroPepperstein, a linguistic model...

Author: Павел Пепперштейн

Printhouse: Individuum

Series: Individuum

Age restrictions: 18+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785604719022

Number of pages: 304

Size: 216х145х20 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 540 g

ID: 1679734
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