The book you hold in your hands is a worldwide classic of literature on achieving wealth and well-being. It has inspired millions of readers to turn their dreams into reality with the great power of thought. These authors have taught...
many people all over the world to harness the creative power of the mind and achieve grand results—think and grow rich, easily overcoming any life challenges! You will learn how changing your mindset can unlock your potential, achieve inner balance, and realize your boldest financial dreams.
With the books of Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale, you become a full-fledged and effective manager of your life! Napoleon Hill was born on October 26, 1883. He was a philosopher and psychologist of success, a journalist from the USA, and the author of the global bestseller "Think and Grow Rich." He founded the "Napoleon Hill Association" and the "Napoleon Hill Foundation." Hill is considered the first to crystallize the rule upon which the multibillion-dollar (over eight billion dollars just in the U.S.) motivation and pop psychology business is now built—the principle "you are what you think."
Author: Хилл Наполеон, Найтингейл Эрл
Printhouse: AST
Series: Думай и богатей
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2012
ISBN: 9785271458989
Number of pages: 416
Size: 200x125x20 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 240 g
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