Reusable Stickers - Three Cats
Reusable Stickers - Three Cats
Reusable Stickers - Three Cats
Reusable Stickers - Three Cats
Reusable Stickers - Three Cats

Reusable Stickers - Three Cats


With this unusual book, you can play winter games with the kittens, visit a park, go to a hockey rink, and celebrate the New Year with the Three Kittens' family. Create your own stories with your favorite characters using reusable...

Printhouse: Egmont

Series: Развивающая книжка с многоразовыми наклейками и постером

Age restrictions: 3+

Year of publication: 2021

ISBN: 9785447172848

Number of pages: 8

Size: 285х215х1 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 90 g

ID: 1679690
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