Elena Zabelina is a psychologist, business coach, business communications consultant, and HR specialist. She has been studying karmic numerology for more than 10 years. Provides consultations on issues of self-orientation and career guidance, creates individual psychological maps, helps to find... one’s true purpose and choose a path in life. Did it seem to you that life was unfolding as if according to a script written by someone and everyone has their own? To become happy and successful, someone has to overcome life’s difficulties and look for internal resources to fight themselves and the world. And someone is born caressed by fate, lives in harmony and joy and feels gratitude for every day they live. “Psychonumerology” is a book about the versatility and unpredictability of our lives, in which, like a Rubik’s cube, we need to continuously rotate the edges in order to become better and more successful. The author, using the tools of numerology and psychological techniques, will help to unlock the potential inherent in us from the Universe, open a new perspective on our capabilities and resources, and guide us along the path of life. “Learn to assemble your inner world like a Rubik’s cube, then the impossible will become possible to an infinite extent.” E. Zabelina
Author: Елена Забелина
Printhouse: AST
Series: Нонфикшн. Тайны знания
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171447939
Number of pages: 320
Size: 208x132x23 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 345 g
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