I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased
I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased

I’ll read it myself! A kind word and peas are pleased

After the winter holidays in 2G, an epidemic of harmfulness began. Offensive words, like burdock thorns, clung to someone's tongue. The class teacher figured out that the culprit of what was happening was Gosha Polyansky. Why is he acting this...

Author: Кашура Алена


Series: Книжный клуб

Age restrictions: 8+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785431540455

Number of pages: 50

Size: 248х172х8 mm

Cover type: Картон

Weight: 246 g

ID: 1673759
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