Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition
Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition

Java for experienced developers. 2nd edition

The Java language is the heart of enterprise software. If a programmer knows Java well, he will easily find an interesting job.
Take your Java skills to the next level with the experts. Take a deep dive into powerful tools like

Author: Эванс Бенджамин

Printhouse: piter

Series: Библиотека программиста

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446124060

Number of pages: 736

Size: 166x233 mm

Cover type: Твердая

Weight: 1150 g

ID: 1673723
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