A fundamental approach to software architecture: patterns, properties, proven methods
A fundamental approach to software architecture: patterns, properties, proven methods
A fundamental approach to software architecture: patterns, properties, proven methods
A fundamental approach to software architecture: patterns, properties, proven methods
A fundamental approach to software architecture: patterns, properties, proven methods

A fundamental approach to software architecture: patterns, properties, proven methods

Software architects are consistently among the top ten highest paid professions. But until now, there has been no real guidance to enable developers to become architects. Finally, here is a book that provides a comprehensive overview of the various aspects...

Author: Ричардс Марк

Printhouse: piter

Series: Для профессионалов

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9786010840348

Number of pages: 448

Size: 165x234 mm

Cover type: Твердая

Weight: 690 g

ID: 1673722
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