Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development
Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development

Design thinking for innovation. Future competencies in product and service development

Drawing on numerous studies, the authors show that the transformative potential of design thinking can have a variety of positive impacts. The publication introduces the role of design thinking as a vital social technology and argues for the importance of...

Author: Лидтка Джин, Холд Карен, Элдридж Джессика

Printhouse: piter

Series: IT для бизнеса

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446123940

Number of pages: 288

Size: 200x200 mm

Cover type: Мягкая

Weight: 480 g

ID: 1673720
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